Volume fluctuations in the residual limbs of lower limb amputees.
This study evaluated residual limb volume fluctuations of new and mature amputees in order to better plan for definitive limb prostheses. A measurement system based on a water displacement technique was used to measure cross-sectional area profiles of lower extremity amputation residual limbs. Reliable data were obtained for 32 of the 49 subjects participating in this study. Residual limb shrinkage cannot be characterized by any single pattern and therefore the date for fitting of a final prosthesis cannot be predicted precisely from regular volume measurements. Every amputee studied demonstrated an increase in body weight. Changes in residual limb volume early postoperatively were dictated by interaction of shrinkage and opposite effect of weight gain . Mature amputation limbs were observed to fluctuate in volume, and these fluctuations tended to correspond to body weight changes. For 3 general patterns of volume change observed early postoperatively, the best estimate of time to fit a final prosthesis appears to be about 150 days postamputation.