Fuzzy-Based Secure Authentication and Clustering Algorithm for Improving the Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks

Wireless Sensor Networks are categorized by the improved energy consumption parameters. The nodes are deployed in challenging surroundings and they are not communicated for a long time with lacking of energy level. These kinds of nodes will be the victim of security attacks, the conciliation nodes are guided all the data packets send to the base station of the network. In this paper proposes, The Fuzzy-based Secured Authentication and Clustering (FSAC) Algorithm observes the different kinds of the data packets transmitted within the sensors to avoid the attacks. The FSAC is implemented to use the proficient routing path to diminish the energy consumption. This method finds the adjacent transmitting node to improve the proficient path setup for the data packet routing using the fuzzy logic method. The simulation results specify that the proposed method increases the energy up to 12% compared to the related methods.

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