Propagation-based imaging is an X-ray phase-contrast method that does not require any additional optical elements in the imaging system. Instead, phase-contrast effects are observed as measurable intensity variations after an incident X-ray wave field has propagated some distance between the object and plane of detection. Subsequent phase-retrieval processing of the recorded images is a necessary step in order to obtain quantitative information and can greatly increase the image signal-to-noise ratio, in particular in computed tomography. Most commonly this is done by approximating the object as a single material, which cannot always be justified. An example of this is the presence of bones and soft-tissues in biomedical imaging, which motivated the work presented here. We developed the combination of spectral X-ray imaging and propagation-based X-ray phasecontrast imaging to overcome the limitations of a single-material approximation. The addition of spectral data enables phase-retrieval on multi-material objects, as well as the use of processing methods well-known from conventional dual-energy imaging, such as material decomposition, virtual monochromatic images and effective atomic-number mapping. Here, we present first computed tomography results of spectral propagation-based phase-contrast. We discuss how the phase retrieval process can be interpreted as low- and high-pass filters. Lastly, we take a look at current and future technological challenges, and the potential application areas of spectral propagation-based phase-contrast imaging.
Mini Das,et al.
Single-step absorption and phase retrieval with polychromatic x rays using a spectral detector.
Optics letters.
Florian Schaff,et al.
Material Decomposition Using Spectral Propagation-Based Phase-Contrast X-Ray Imaging
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.
S. Wilkins,et al.
Generalized eikonal of partially coherent beams and its use in quantitative imaging.
Physical review letters.
Yakov I Nesterets,et al.
Fast three-dimensional phase retrieval in propagation-based X-ray tomography.
Journal of synchrotron radiation.
D. Paganin,et al.
Spectral X-ray imaging: Conditions under which propagation-based phase-contrast is beneficial.
Physics in medicine and biology.