Mooring dynamics: Computer models and experiments at a sixty foot scale
Abstract : The U.S. Navy Civil Engineering Laboratory is conducting a series of dynamic cable experiments in order to evaluate computer models of cable systems used in the ocean. The results of an experiment using 60 foot cables are compared to two computer simulations in this report. Other experiments at scales of six feet and 2,500 feet have been performed. Three cases from the experiment conducted in the hydroballistics tank of the Naval Surface Weapons Center in 1976 are compared to the SNAPLOAD and SEADYN computer models. Two of the runs simulate the anchor-last deployment of a mooring; the third shows the relaxation of a mooring displaced laterally, then released. The quality of the experimental data is evaluated by comparing each case to the static, elastic catenary equations at the start and finish of each run. The measured positions of points along the static catenaries are found typically to agree with the catenary calculations within 1 to 2 percent of the cable length. Tension measured at the fixed end typically agrees with the calculated value within about 12 percent.