Chronic subdural hematoma in adults: why does it occur more often in males than females? Influence of patient's sexual gender on occurrence.

AIM Chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH) is a very common condition seen usually in the later stages of life. The goal of this study was to determine whether there is any influence of patient's sexual gender on occurrence of that hematoma. METHODS The study was carried out on 76 consecutive adult patients (40-93-year-old, main 70.86) who underwent surgery for CSDH. The relationship between sex and occurrence was studied. The CSDH series appeared in the literature was also reviewed. Throughout the analysis, P<0.05 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS A total of 62 (81.6%) patients were males and 14 (19.1%) females, with the male predominance occurring in all groups. The male to female ratio was 4:21. CONCLUSION Male preponderance in CSDH provides valuable information about human cerebrum. Identification of this relationship may be useful to elucidate the origin and the pathogenesis of CSDH.