Marketing Management Support Systems: Principles, Tools, and Implementation
Preface. Part I: The Demand Side of Marketing Management Support Systems. 1. Introduction. 2. Marketing Decision Making: A Classification of Marketing Problem-Solving Modes. Part II: The Supply Side of Marketing Management Support Systems. 3. The Components of Marketing Management Support Systems. 4. Data-Driven Marketing Management Support Systems. 5. Knowledge-Driven Marketing Management Support Systems I: Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Representation, and Expert Systems. 6. Knowledge-Driven Marketing Management Support Systems II: Case-Based Reasoning, Neural Networks, and Creativity Support Systems. Part III: Matching the Demand and Supply Slides of Marketing Management Support Systems. 7. Integrating Frameworks. 8. BRANDFRAME: A Marketing Management Support System for the Brand Manager. Part IV: Perspectives on Marketing Management Support Systems. 9. Factors That Determine the Success of Marketing Management Support Systems. 10. The Future of Marketing Management Support Systems. References. Subject index. Authors index.