Novel functionality using micro-gaseous devices

Over the last twenty or so years, Westinghouse has sought to capitalize on the attractively-low cost of batch-fabricated micromechanical devices to achieve both military and commercial function that is small, light-weight and performs its intended application repeatedly and to specification. For example, micromechanical electron beam-addressed mirror cantilever matrixes have been explored as high resolution storage TV projection devices’; additionally, small cantilevers and airgaps were batch-fabricated and inserted into 10 GHz microstrip where they have served as one-time programmable switches for Microwave ASICS’, greatly increasing the RF yield of complex “wafer scale” GaAs transmitter arrays. Finally, the mechanical movement which can be achieved by electrostatic forces such as was key to the operation of the Resonant Gate Transistor3 and the Si/SiOz Mirror Matrix Display in reference 1 has fostered a variety of interesting electrostatic motors, electrostatic actuators and optical devices, including optical electrostatic deflectors and gratings.