Simulation of real and reactive power flowAssessment with UPFC connected to aSingle/double transmission line

The UPFC is a member of the FACTS family with very attractive features and it is a solid state controller which can be used to control active and reactive power flow in a transmission line. In this paper the performance of Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) is investigated in controlling the flow of power over the transmission line. This research deals with simulation of transmission line using UPFC to improve the real and reactive power flow control through a transmission line. In this research paper a Simulink Model is considered with UPFC model to evaluate the performance of a single and double transmission line systems (22/6.6) kV. In the simulation study, the UPFC models ease the real time control and dynamic compensation of AC transmission system. It should be consider as real and reactive power compensation, capable of independently controlling voltage profile as well as the real and reactive powers in the line. The simulation model is tested for single and double transmission line systems with and without UPFC model in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment. By using a UPFC the oscillation introduced by the faults, the rotor angle and speed deviations can be damped out quickly than a system without a UPFC. It is also shown that a UPFC can control independently the real and reactive power flow in a transmission line.c