호텔연회장의 선택속성, 기대, 만족, 재구매 및 구전의도간의 영향관계

The purpose of this study is started from the doubt if the consumer's expectation and satisfaction about hotel banquet influenced repurchase and mouth to mouth intention. The result of this study found that they have influenced each other, but like other ones, this study have the limits as well. First, to measure satisfaction, it should be estimated through verification of differences between consumer's expectation and result, but this study depended on only consumer's experience and service of hotel banquet and in service of hotel banquet, the verification of differences by consumer's demographic characteristics and between hotel banquet and other ones did not carry out. Therefore, the future study need to verify these differences. Second, this surveyed only domestic people as respondent, but if this included foreigners, more broader research would be possible. Third, partly expanded measures among existing attributes of choice of hotel and convention were used due to the lack of previous studies, but the measure about attribute of them need to be developed.