Historic building's holistic and sustainable deep energy refurbishment via BPS, energy efficiency and renewable energy—A case study

Abstract This paper recognizes the synergetic relationship and inextricable linkage between conservation and sustainability. Heritage preservation maximizes the use of existing materials and infrastructure, reduces waste, and preserves the historic character of older towns and cities. This paper also presents technical advances in BPS/BES (Building Performance Simulation/Building Energy Simulation), and in co-simulation for energy efficiency optimization, RES integrated historic building's greening and historic neighborhoods, settlements, as well as whole cities urban re-planning. Further, the paper presents initial results of the Aviation Museum in Belgrade preliminary energy refurbishment study focusing results obtained via BPS and co-simulation. Foreseen is the deep energy refurbishment aimed to reach the “total building performance optimization” encompassing multifunctional optimization of building's skin – glazing replacement with the semi-transparent PV glazing and day-lighting control with reference to the artifact preservation, as well as the IEQ (Indoor Environment Quality) control analysis. This study shows that the RES integrated refurbishment can result in the Museum's Zero CO2 emission and even in the sustainable Energy + status (producing more than using electricity). Finally, needs for most current ICT knowledge use and refurbishment technologies development, as well as integrated design, including particularly relevant benchmarking and rating system development are outlined.