Comparison of methods

Chapter 3 Preparation Of Drug Resinates COMPARISONS OF METHODS TABLE OF CONTENTS 3.1 OBJECTIVE OF INVESTIGATION 81 3.2 PLAN OF WORK 82 3.2.1 Design of experiment 3.2.2 Comparison of methods of complexation of drugs with individual resins 3.2.3 Comparison of methods of complexation on resins with individual drugs 3.3 EXPERIMENTAL WORK 84 3.3.1 Washing of resin 3.3.2 Batch method (saturated drug solution) 3.3.3 Batch method (unsaturated drug solution) 3.3.4 Column method(saturated drug solution-perturbed) 3.3.5 Colvmin method(unsaturated drug solution-unperturbed) 3.4 OBSERVATIONS AND STATISTICAL TREATMENT OF DATA 88 3.5 RESULTS 89 3.5.1 Comparison of methods of complexation of drugs with individual resins 3.5.2 Comparison of methods of complexation on resins with individual drugs 3.6 DISCUSSION 94 3.6.1 Comparison of methods (batch saturated and column saturated/perturbed) 3.6.2 Comparisons of methods (Batch satwated and batch unsaturated) 3.6.3 Comparison of methods (column perturbed and column unperturbed) 3.6.4 Effects of native and salt form of drugs 3.6.5 Comparisons with the work done by other investigators