형식개념분석(FCA)기반의 에너지 허브 의사결정 기법에 대한 연구

An energy hub generally represents an interface bet we enenergy producers, consumers, and the transportation infrastructure. It provides the functions of input and output, conversion, and storage of multiple-energy carriers. The energy hub has its input ports supplied with electricity, natural gas, heat, and soon. Inside the energy hub, several technologies reside which allow conversion and conditioning of the input energy carriers. Outputs of the energy hub change according to chosen algorithm with in the energy hub. Recently, various optimization model for energy hub was suggested. In this paper, we propose an energy hub decision making model based on formal concept analysis (FCA) and dempster-shafer theory (DST). Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) is a method of data analysis which identifies conceptual structures from data set in given domain. FCA-based our model extracts concepts from various input energy carriers and environment in formation, grasps super-sub relations between concepts, and constructs conceptual hierarchy. We have applied to DST on constructed the hierarchy for the probabilistic optimization model. Also, it can adopt the learning process in order to make a self decision making in Energy Hub based on the result of FCA and DST. The below figure illustrates the FCA-based an energy hub decision making model. Finally, we will compare the other algorithms and proposed our model by using Real Time Digital simulator (RTDS).