Molecular Dynamics simulation of complex particles in 3 D and the study of friction due to non-convexity
S. A. Galindo-Torres, ∗ F. Alonso-Marroqúın, † YC. Wang, D. Pedroso, and J. D. Muñoz Castaño 1 MoSCoS, School of Mathematics and Physics, The University of Queensland, Qld. 4068, Brisbane, Australia 2 CSIRO Exploration & Mining, Technology Court, Pullenvale QLD 4069 Australia 3 Golder Geomechanics Center, The University of Queensland, Qld. 4068, Brisbane, Australia 4 Grupo de Simulación de Sistemas F́ısicos. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia (Dated: May 5, 2009)
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