Integrated Transport Management to Enhance Sustainable Transport Modes in Budapest
In difficult economic eras, during constraints of tight budgets, public authorities are often forced to spend less even if the demand for innovative, sustainable mobility solutions is rising. Therefore a “do more with less” approach has been spread out, which implies new challenges for transport-organizing bodies. A step from “predict & provide” towards “aim & manage” approach is needed, as a part of the international paradigm shift trend. Within this approach the possibilities in travel demand management should be exploited since these are mostly low-cost regulatory measures. However, sustainable transport investments and solutions are not only beneficial in the wider economic and environmental scale, but also have effect in financial terms (cost-efficiency). At the same time, integration (management, interoperability, intermodality) could help to use the continuously shrinking resources in a more cost-efficient way. Enhancing sustainable transport modes through awareness-raising campaigns might also able to help in managing the transport demands in an efficient and environmental-friendly way (e.g. active travel). The integrated planning of urban transport should be the responsibility of specialized bodies which focus on strengthening both integration and competition within transport systems in order to provide maximum value for money and to balance spatial and environmental issues. Such transport-organizing authority should respect different needs and financial possibilities of urban and suburban communities and their residents. They should also be responsible for strategic planning and reallocation of financial resources in order to provide a cost-efficient operation on the long term. Budapesti Kozlekedesi Kozpont (BKK) Centre for Budapest Transport was established in 2010 as the new integrated transport-organizing authority of the capital city of Budapest (based on the model of Transport for London), within a new city management framework. BKK integrates the management of public transport, cycling, road infrastructure, parking, taxi services and transport development projects. BKK has started the preparation of several ambitious projects like public bike sharing scheme (bubi), automated fare collection system in public transport and a new congestion charging scheme for Budapest. The aim of this paper is to introduce the concept of BKK and the preliminary results of the integrated transport management in Budapest. The paper is also covering the activities of BKK in the field of transport development and research projects. BKK’s operation in the last 3 years provided significant experience in transport management, therefore lessons can be learnt, and recommendations can be given to cities in new member states.