The social psychology of intergroup reconciliation

INTRODUCTION: INTERGROUP RECONCILIATION - DIMENSIONS AND THEMES PART A: INTERGROUP RECONCILIATION: ITS NATURE 1. Reconciliation From a Social Psychological Perspective PART B: SOCIO-EMOTIONAL RECONCILIATION: MOVING BEYOND VICTIMHOOD, GUILT, AND HUMILIATION (1) GUILT, VICTIMHOOD, AND FORGIVENESS 2. Instrumental and Socio-Emotional Paths to Intergroup Reconciliation and the Need-Based Model of Socio-Emotional Reconciliation 3. Transforming Trauma in the Aftermath of Gross Human Rights Abuses: Making Public Spaces Intimate through the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission 4. Social Categorization, Standards of Justice, and Collective Guilt 5. Prospects for Intergroup Reconciliation: Social Psychological Predictors of Intergroup Forgiveness and Reparation in Northern Ireland and Chile (2) RESTORING RESPECT AND ESTEEM 6. How Needs Can Motivate Intergroup Reconciliation in the Face of Intergroup Conflict 7. The Social Psychology of Respect: Implications for Delegitimization and Reconciliation 8. From Egosystem to Ecosystem in Intergroup Interactions: Implications for Intergroup Reconciliation PART C: INSTRUMENTAL RECONCILIATION: CONTACT, COMMON IDENTITY, AND EQUALITY 9. Stepping Stones to Reconciliation in Northern Ireland: Intergroup Contact, Forgiveness and Trust 10. Majority and Minority Perspectives in Intergroup Relations: The Role of Contact, Group Representations, Threat, and Trust in Intergroup Conflict and Reconciliation 11. A Social Psychological Approach to Post-Conflict Reconciliation 12. Reconciliation, Trust and Cooperation: Using Bottom-Up and Top-Down Strategies to Achieve Peace in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (4) EQUALITY AND DIFFERENTIAL POWER 13. Diminishing Vertical Distance: Power and Social Status as Barriers to Inter-group Reconciliation 14. Social Identity, Legitimacy and Intergroup Conflict: The Rocky Road to Reconciliation 15. Intergroup Relations and Reconciliation: Theoretical Analysis and Methodological Implications PART D: PROGRAMS TO PROMOTE INTERGROUP RECONCILIATION 16. The road to reconciliation 17. Promoting Reconciliation After Genocide and Mass Killing in Rwanda - and Other Post-Conflict Settings: Understanding the Roots of Violence, Healing, Shared History, and General Principles 18. Between Conflict and Reconciliation: Toward a Theory of Peaceful Co-existance 19. Help as a Vehicle to Reconciliation, With Particular Reference to Help for Extreme Health Needs PART E: INTERGROUP RECONCILIATION: AN OVERALL VIEW 20. Reconciliation After Destructive Intergroup Conflict