Quantitative first-pass perfusion MRI of the mouse heart

Methods Imaging was performed on a 7 T scanner using a gradient system with a full strength of 650 mT/m and a slew rate of 6666 mT/m/ms, using a 30 mm diameter birdcage RF coil. A saturation-recovery spiral sequence was implemented, with TE = 0.36 msec, TR = 3.9 msec, interleaves = 10, FOV = 25.6 × 25.6 mm, matrix = 128 × 128, saturation delay = 40 msec, alpha = 20°, and slice thickness = 1 mm. Data acquisition was placed near the end of the cardiac cycle and its duration was 39 msec/image, approximately 1/3 of the R-R interval. Wild-type mice were imaged at baseline (n = 4) and 1 day after MI (n = 3). MI was induced by a 1 hour coronary artery occlusion. Mice were anesthetized with 1.2% isoflurane and maintained at 37°C during MRI. The dual-bolus technique was used, acquiring the arterial input and tissue functions (AIF and TF) separately. Perfusion was quantified using Fermi function deconvolution. Perfusion images were acquired for one mid-ventricular short-axis slice, and late gadolinium-enhanced (LGE) images were acquired covering the left ventricle (LV).