Comparison of surface potentials due to several singularity representations of the human heart

In electrocardiography the electrical potentials due to the heart actions can be analyzed by assuming the human body to be a conductor of homogeneous medium and the heart to be a combination of singularities within it. For a spherical conductor the “interior sphere theorem” of G. Ludford, J. Martinek, and G. Yeh (Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc.,51, 389–93, 1955) renders potential expressions due to any singularity. For a conductor of prolate spheroidal shape the potential expressions due to a source-sink pair and a general dipole have been given by J. R. Wait (Jour. App. Physics,24, 496–97, 1953) and the authors (paper at the Conference on the Electrophysiology of the Heart, Feb. 16–17, 1956, in New York, to appear in theAnn. N. Y. Acad. Sciences) respectively. (A theorem which applies to any singularity inside a prolate or oblate spheroid will be published by the authors soon). This paper presents numerical and graphical results of potentials on the surfaces of a prolate spheroid and a sphere due to source-sink pairs and dipoles of several locations and directions and compares the various representations. A discussion on the judicious choice of heart models concludes the paper.