Digital Agenda Scoreboard 2012 Egovernment Trends Digital Agenda Scoreboard 2012 Digital Agenda Scoreboard 2012

• eGovernment usage by citizens (41% in 2011) is stable compared to last year, however this hides significant progress for some smaller countries • Reasons for non-use of online public services by citizens reside primarily on lack of need, lack of trust and lack of skills. The importance of the latter increases rapidly with age and signals an emerging divide. • eGovernment usage by firms has increased steadily from 76% in 2010 to 84% in 2011. EU convergence in rate of use can be observed for large and (to a smaller extent) medium firms, while usage rates for small firms remain quite dispersed. • Lack of skills is still an important limiting factor in small enterprises but also incomplete digitalisation of public services is an important barrier to an increasing eGovernment take-up.