[Occupational hypersensitivity to spiramycin. Report of a case].

A case report of occupational hypersensitivity to Spiramycin. Rhinoconjunctivitis and spasmodic cough are reported in a 34 year-old female handling spiramycin powder in a pharmaceutical factory. The symptoms appeared within the first few hours of coming into contact with the drug and continued for several hours after leaving her place of work. The patient had no personal case history of atopy. Results for prick-test with extracts using a concentration of 1/100 (w/v) were positive, as were results por intradermical tests with a solution using a concentration of 1/10.000 (w/v). The diagnostic was confirmed with the application of a nasal provocation test. Our criteria to determine positivity to this test was according to Bachman (1) and the European Committee of Rhinomanometry. On our suggestion the patient was transferred to another section of the pharmaceutical company whereupon all symptoms disappeared immediately and no further allergic reactions to drugs were registered. This case suggest that reactions to a chemical product may involve immunological mechanisms.