A review of e+e- Linear Colliders
There is a strong interest of the physics community to study the physics of e+e− interactions at CM energies well beyond the reach of LEP. The hope is to find and study the Higgs particle and supersymmetric particles. CM energies of order 500 GeV will be needed to look for new interesting physics [1]. Energies in that range are not accessible by e+e− storage rings any more. The product of radiated power by synchrotron radiation Pb and bending radius of the magnets ρ scales as [2]
[1] S. Berman,et al. Nuovo Cimento , 1983 .
[2] John S Denker,et al. AIP Conference Proceedings 151 on Neural Networks for Computing , 1987 .
[3] Pisin Chen,et al. Quantum Beamstrahlung from Gausslan Bunches' Presented at the Workshop on New Developments in Particle Acceleration Techniques , 1987 .
[4] 山口 嘉夫,et al. ICFA Seminar on Future Perspectives in High Energy Physics,ICFA meetingについて(放談室) , 1988 .