Culture, People, Nature: An Introduction to General Anthropology

Part 1 Physical anthropology: organic evolution the human pedigree and human nature the first hominids the origins of "homo sapiens" race, human variation, and the force of evolution. Part 2 Language and culture: the nature of culture language. Part 3 Archaeology and prehistory: the old world paleolithic the neolithic and the rise of the states the second earth. Part 4 Infrastructure: production reproduction. Part 5 Structure: economic organization domestic life kinship, locality, and descent law, order, and war in prestate societies the political economy of chiefdoms and states stratified groups gender and hierarchy sexuality. Part 6 Superstructure: personality and culture religion art. Part 7 Anthropology and modern life: applied anthropology the antrhopology of a hyperindustrial society. Appendix: a history of theories of culture.