A Meta-Model for DEVS - Designed following Model Driven Engineering Specifications

In this paper we give a state-of-art of DEVS components interoperability, and we propose a meta-model for classic DEVS formalism, designed following a Model-Driven Engineering philosophy. After glancing at the existing related works, we explain in a step-by-step way how our meta-model is built, starting from the formal definition of DEVS formalism. As the hardest steps when defining a DEVS Platform-Independent Model (PIM) are the definition of the states and the definition of the DEVS functions, we particularly focus on those concepts and we propose a way to describe them in a simple and platform-independent way. UML class diagrams were chosen to represent this meta-model. Not only can this meta-model be useful to generate DEVS PIMs but it can also be seen as a powerful tool to improve interoperability between DEVS models (and in a larger way discrete-event models, via model-to-model transformations) and to provide automatic code generation towards DEVS simulators (model-to-text transformations). As this meta-model is not a final version but rather a starting point, we tried to make it as modular and upgradable as possible.