Optimal Body Area Network for u-Healthcare

In these days of u-Healthcare, for convenient monitoring of biological signals, the wireless communication technique is necessary. We have investigated several wireless technologies of biological sensor networking for u-Healthcare. There are some standard techniques such as Bluetooth, Wireless LAN, Zigbee etc. We have tested these techniques for biological sensor networking and summarize the advantages and the disadvantages. Furthermore, for compactness and minimum software overload, we have manufactured and evaluated several customized RF devices. On the other hand, there are some trials of using RFID for non-invasive intrabody signal measuring such as intracranial pressure. We also investigated this emerging technique as an optimal measuring technique for some special signals. Furthermore, for ultimate intra-body wireless network, we tried some experiments of wireless communication using body itself as a transmission medium. As a conclusion, we summarize and evaluate several conventional wireless techniq ues and investigated new technologies for u-Healthcare monitoring.