Liver Cut Method Using 4 Points for Hepatic Volumerty at MDCT Image
This paper proposed the method to separate a liver into left and right liver lobes for exact volumetry of the river graft at abdominal MDCT(Multi-Detector Computed Tomography) image before living donor liver transplantation. On the image of segmented liver, 4 points(the middle point of Inferior Vena Cava, a point of Middle Hepatic Vein, a point of Portal Vein, a middle point of gallbladder fossa) are selected. A liver is separated into left and right liver lobes on the basis of the 4 points. The volume and ratio of the river graft are estimated. The volume estimated using 4 points and the manual volume that radiologist processed and estimated are compared with the weight measured during surgery to support proof of the exact volumetry. After selection the 4 points, the time involved in separation a liver into left and right river lobe and volumetry of them is measured for confirmation that the algorithm can be used on real time during surgery. This study progressed to ensure donor's and recipient's safe who will undergo the liver transplantation.