The Locust and the Bee: Predators and Creators in Capitalism's Future

Chapter 1- After Capitalism 1 Chapter 2 - Barren and Pregnant Crises 17 Chapter 3 - The Essence of Capitalism 28 Chapter 4 - To Take or to Make 52 *The Roles of Creators and Predators Chapter 5 - Capitalism's Critics 79 Chapter 6 - Anticapitalist Utopias and Neotopias 104 Chapter 7 - The Nature of Change 116 *How One System Becomes Another Chapter 8- Creative and Predatory Technology 145 Chapter 9 - The Rise of Economies Based on Relationships and Maintenance 172 Chapter 10 - Capitalism's Generative Ideas 198 Chapter 11 - New Accommodations 230 *or How Societies (Occasionally) Jump Chapter 12 - Outgrowing Capitalism 280 Notes 289 Acknowledgments 321 Index 323