Advances in software engineering : comprehention, evaluation, and evolution

Part I: Empirical Studies: O-O Metrics: Principles and Practice. Experiences Conducting Studies of the Work Practices of Software Engineers. Towards Assessing the Usefulness of the TKSee Software Exploration Tool: A Case Study. Comparison of Clones Occurrence in Java and Modula-3 Software Systems.- Part II: Architectural Recovery: The SPOOL Approach to Pattern-Based Recovery of Design Components. Evaluation of Approaches to Clustering for Program Comprehension and Remodularization. Automatic Architectural Clustering of Software. Discovering Implicit Inheritance Relations in Non Object-Oriented Code.- Part III: Maintainability: Design Properties and Evolvability of Object-Oriented Systems. Using Textual Redundancy to Study Source Code Maintainability. Building Parallel Applications Using Design Patterns.- Part IV: Tool Support: The SPOOL Design Repository: Architecture, Schema, and Mechanisms. The Software Bookshelf. Dynamic Documents Over the Web. Support for Geographically Dispersed Software Teams. Parsing C++ Code Despite Missing Declarations. Towards Environment-Retargetable Parser Generators.