Renumber Coevolutionary Multiswarm Particle Swarm Optimization for Multi-objective Workflow Scheduling on Cloud Computing Environment

Resources scheduling is a significant research topic in cloud computing, which is often modeled as a cost-minimization and deadline-constrained workflow scheduling model. This is a constrained single objective problem that to minimize the overall workflow execution cost while meeting deadline constraints. In this paper, we offer a new horizon to convert this single-objective problem to a multi-objective problem and present coevolutionary multiswarm particle swarm optimization (CMPSO) to find the non-dominated solutions with different execute cost and time. Meanwhile, the renumber strategy is adopted in CMPSO to make the learning efficient. CMPSO is compared with a renumber PSO (RNPSO) by setting the execute time in the CMPSO's non-dominated solutions as the deadline constraint of RNPSO. Results show that CMPSO not only offers many non-dominated solutions with different prices and execute time, but also obtains better solution than RNPSO under a same deadline.