A Greedy Search Approach for Time-Interleaved ADCs Calibration Based on NRZ Input Patterns

This paper presents a time-interleaved analog-to-digital converter mismatch calibration, which can be adapted to any interleaving factor and calibrate offset, gain, time skew and bandwidth mismatches. Moreover, the proposed scheme utilizes a non-return-to-zero pilot signal, avoiding the high-resolution requirements of sinusoidal generators. In addition, there are no multiplications in the detection path in contrast with the state-of-the-art approaches. Consequently, the proposed calibration presents the smallest complexity in terms of hardware requirements compared to previous work (to the author's knowledge). Therefore, the proposed calibration can be made with the smallest area and power consumption. Numerical simulations show an SNDR improvement of 49.52 dB for a 12-bit 4-channel TI-ADC and an SNDR improvement of 29.64 dB for an 8-bit 32-channel TI-ADC when random mismatches are applied. The measurement results show an SNDR improvement of 24.68 dB for a 3.6 GS/s 2-channel TI-ADC experimental board.