System requirements for planetary rovers

Mission designs to Mars as well as return missions to the Moon usually include initial unmanned exploration to obtain geological and environmental data necessary for future manned programs. An important component of these unmanned exploration missions is the autonomous or remotely operated planetary rover -- a wheeled and/or legged vehicle containing several data collection and processing units. Further manned missions will also include such vehicles to assist humans with exploration and in supporting life science functions. The planetary rover must satisfy several mission requirements including surveying the terrain, preparing the landing sites, loading and unloading components for base operations, and aiding in recovery of in-situ materials. As such, the design of such rovers require the synergy of several vehicle functions which must operate in a coordinated fashion. This paper presents some of the design issues and vehicle requirements, particularly those requiring sensor information, that need be addressed for this important planetary surface system. Further based on some of the designs presently being investigated, the issues of system sensor fusion and standardization of interfaces are discussed.