Culturally-Mathematically Relevant Pedagogy (CMRP): Fostering Urban English Language Learners' Multiplicative Reasoning.

representations, CM P seemed to promote a foc s on their mathematical reasoning and stifying. When st dents stified their sol tions, they had an opport nity to do so in m ltiple ays in nglish and in one s native lang age. h s, st dents ere highly engaged in disc ssions ith their peers as they shared their strategies. F rther, hen stifying their res lts, st dents have sed physical ob ects and or diagrams to represent the composite nits e.g., bo es of coo ies involved in the problem. Strategic se of representations s pported st dents development of more advanced mathematical str ct res and fostered their prod ctive participation in mathematical practices. Preliminary res lts of enacting CM P to promote s advancement from additive to m ltiplicative reasoning indicated s bstantial impact.