Involvement of Sox1, 2 and 3 in the early and subsequent molecular events of lens induction.

Activation of the first lens-specific gene of the chicken, delta 1-crystallin, is dependent on a group of lens nuclear factors, deltaEF2, interacting with the delta1-crystallin minimal enhancer, DC5. One of the deltaEF2 factors was previously identified as SOX2. We show that two related SOX proteins, SOX1 and SOX3, account for the remaining members of deltaEF2. Activation of the DC5 enhancer is dependent on their C-terminal domains. Expression of Sox1-3 in the eye region during lens induction was studied in comparison with Pax6 and delta1-crystallin. Pax6, known to be required for the inductive response of the ectoderm, is broadly expressed in the lateral head ectoderm from before lens induction. After tight association of the optic vesicle (around stage 10-11, 40 hours after egg incubation), expression of Sox2 and Sox3 is activated in the vesicle-facing ectoderm at stage 12 (44 hours). These cells, expressing together Pax6 and Sox2/3, subsequently give rise to the lens, beginning with formation of the lens placode and expression of delta-crystallin at stage 13 (48 hours). Sox1 then starts to be expessed in the lens-forming cells at stage 14. When the prospective retina area of the neural plate was unilaterally ablated at stage 7, expression of Sox2/3 was lost in the side of lateral head ectoderm lacking the optic cup, implying that an inductive signal from the optic cup activates Sox2/3 expression. In the mouse embryonic lens, this subfamily of Sox genes is expressed in an analogous fashion, although Sox3 transcripts have not been detected and Sox2 expression is down-regulated when Sox1 is activated. In ectodermal tissues of the chicken embryo, delta -crystallin expression occurs in a few ectopic sites. These are always characterized by overlapping expression of Sox2/3 and Pax6. Thus, an essential molecular event in lens induction is the 'turning on' of the transcriptional regulators SOX2/3 in the Pax6-expressing ectoderm and these SOX proteins activate crystallin gene expression. Continued activity, especially of SOX1, is then essential for further development of the lens.

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