Perfil longitudinal e a aplicação do índice de gradiente (RDE) no rio dos Patos, bacia hidrográfica do rio Ivaí, PR

The purpose of this paper is to present the results of the analysis of the longitudinal profile and the application of gradient index (RDE) in the river Patos, attachment of the Ivai river basin - PR, aiming to detect and quantify anomalous zones along of your main course that can identify activity neotectonic and lithological or imposition. The Patos river has a length of 127 km and a amplitude of 660 m, were certain stretches where concave and convex. Of the 22 sections measured, 10 were considered anomalous, distributed at the top and bottom of the river course. In the upper course, there is the occurrence of the Serra Geral Formation and the lower values of RDE, already low in the course, where there is predominance of Terezina Formation, is the highest detected. Contact the anomalous of 2 st order are related to lithological changes, the alignments of relief and confluence of channels, as is the case Sao Joao River. The 1 st order of anomalies are associated to the occurrence of sills of diabase, which provides suitable conditions for formation of waterfalls. The results it is believed that the imbalances found in the Patos river may be linked to the imposition lithological, structural and confluence of channels.