We establish a general Fermat rule for the problem of minimizing a lower semicontinuous function on a convex subset of a Banach space. Our basic tool is a constrained variational principle derived from the "smooth" variational principle of Borwein and Preiss. Specializing the Fermat rule to the case when the convex set is a "drop," we obtain a multidirectional Rolle-type inequality from which, in turn, we deduce a multidirectional mean value inequality, in the line of Clarke and Ledyaev. We follow the abstract approach of our previous paper [Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 347 (1995), pp. 4147--4161], thus covering all standard situations met in applications, while stressing the links between the results and the few key properties that are needed.
R. Deville,et al.
Smooth variational principles with constraints
I. Ekeland.
On the variational principle
R. DeVille,et al.
A smooth variational principle with applications to Hamilton-Jacobi equations in infinite dimensions
The Multidirectional Mean Value Theorem in Banach Spaces
Canadian Mathematical Bulletin.
Frank H. Clarke,et al.
Mean value inequalities in Hilbert space
Dariusz Zagrodny,et al.
Approximate mean value theorem for upper subderivatives