Development work is currently underway at Princeton and NRL on electronic-readout imaging detectors for the vacuum ultraviolet which are based on electron-bombarded CCD arrays and opaque alkali-halide photocathodes. These detectors provide single-photoelectron detection ability and wide dynamic range combined with nearly the maximum possible quantum efficiency (in excess of 50% in the wavelength range below 1300A •). The Princeton work is based on an oblique-focusing electron optical configuration. The NRL program is based on a Schmidt optical system with opaque photocathode as used previously with electrographic image recording. Thinned, back-surface-bombarded CCD arrays manufactured by RCA and by Texas Instruments are being used in the developmental devices. Results of preliminary tests at Princeton, and an overall system concepts for the Princeton and NRL cameras, will be discussed. Applications to possible space astronomy investigations will be described.
Chet B. Opal,et al.
Electronographic Cameras For Space Astronomy
Other Conferences.
G. Carruthers,et al.
Magnetically focused electronographic image converters for space astronomy applications.
Applied optics.
D. Long,et al.
ICCD Development at Princeton
John L. Lowrance,et al.
Intensified Charge-Coupled Device (ICCD) Single Photoelectron Response
Other Conferences.
George R. Carruthers.
Electrographic Instrumentation For Ultraviolet Imaging And Spectrography