Verification of the Optimum Predicting Model for Dye-Based Inkjet Printer

It is very important to fully understand the relationship between ink placed on paper and the resultant colorimetry for image quality improvement. Success will enable one to develop a simulation that can be used to design optimum subtractive color dyes for any criterion. The purpose of the present study is to establish a systematic understanding of color reproduction systems of the present-day subtractive color inkjet printer (IJ). In general, dyes used in formulating inks for current IJs have color gamuts larger than those obtained by pigments. The dye technology is advancing rapidly, and tools are needed to select an optimal dye set from among many potential dyes. In the present study, the predicting models such as the Neugebauer model, the Yule-Nielsen Neugebauer model, the Kubelka-Munk model, the Cellular Neugebauer model, and the Cellular Kubelka-Munk model built for use in photography and traditional printing systems have been verified for dye-based IJ. Furthermore the comparison between IJ and photography has been studied by means of a computer simulation method. The study has been carried out from the viewpoints of the stability of selective grays for illumination metamerism and of maximizing color gamut volumes. This study is an important step toward the development of simulations for use in improving image quality for the present-day subtractive color IJ.