Method of modeling electronic equipment by using current sources was applied to the estimation of far electric field strength and the evaluation of the disturbance source position. In this paper, we investigate the validity of the modeling method where the current source positions are fixed because the model is useful to the numerical calculation. Five kinds of equipment were used for the investigation. The radiated electric field strength around the equipment was measured in full anechoic room (FAR) and the amplitude and phase of the current source were determined by solving least squares problem. The source position of 14 was used for the investigation. The results showed that the deviation from the measured value to the calculation value is almost within 2dB. The obtained equipment models were applied to investigate the influence of biconi-log antenna. The deviation from a half-wave dipole antenna to a biconi-log antenna was investigated in case of a half-wave dipole antenna and the equipment source model. The results showed the deviation of the equipment model was larger than the deviation of the half-wave dipole antenna. This means that the equipment model is effective to evaluate the larger than the deviation of the half-wave dipole antenna.
Kuwabara Nobuo,et al.
A Study on Equivalent Radiation Source Modeling of Electronic Equipment for Far Field Estimation
N. Kuwabara,et al.
Improvement of accuracy using majority decision for far field estimation by source modelling method
2007 18th International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility.
Yasuhiro Ishida,et al.
Macroscopic Visualization of a Radiated Emission Source Using Cylindrically Scanned Electric Field Amplitude Data
IEICE Trans. Commun..
Nobuo Kuwabara,et al.
Reduction of Estimation Time for Disturbance Level Considering With Current and Magnetic-Current Source by Employing Majority Decision
Kuwabara Nobuo,et al.
Method of measuring radiated disturbances at 3m distance using biconi-log antennas -- Radiation souce of half wavelength dipole