A Study on 'Generation Y' Behaviours at Workplace in Penang

This study was conducted to determine the factors that influenced Generation Y behaviour specifically at the workplace in Penang, Malaysia. Understanding the behaviours may be found useful in improving the interaction between the employees and the management as well as the earlier generation in the organisation. The findings of the study show that Career Enhancement Coaching & Communication, Salary, Benefit & Reward and Technology were significant factors affecting Gen Y behaviours at workplace in Penang state. As in demographics factors, level of education and the employment status were significantly influencing Gen Y as well. The sample population of the study is drawn for Generation Y age between 17 to 30 years and currently located in Penang state of Malaysia. A total of 300 questionnaires were distributed to the young generation in Penang in a number of industries and 211 were collected back. The researcher hopes that the outcome of this research could give some tips to employers in developing future staff training, coaching and motivation programs in a more effective manner towards these young employees. Furthermore, the researcher hopes to help not only the HR managers but all the leaders in managing and retaining their talented young employees, drawing the company to accumulate the competitiveness in the marketplace. As more and more Generation Y enters the current fast changing marketplace, further research to help deepen understanding about their behaviour will assist managers to elicit and affect positive behaviours from these young subordinates.