Public finance 1816-1939

1 Synopsis.- 1.1 Aim.- 1.2 The available material.- 1.3 Ordinary and extraordinary (capital) expenditure.- 1.4 Revenue and expenditure in Netherlands India and The Netherlands.- 1.5 Adjustment of the available material.- 1.6 What is 'government'?.- 1.7 The monetary unit of the government administration.- 1.7.1 The intrinsic value of the guilder.- 1.7.2 The exchange rate with The Netherlands.- 1.7.3 The guilder and its value in goods.- 1.8 The tables.- 1.9 Sources.- 1.10 Statistical commentaries.- 1.11 No analysis in this documentary collection.- 2 The development of government finances.- 2.1 Constitutional change after the take-over of the United East India Company.- 2.2 The government as spender.- 2.3 The public debt.- 2.3.1 The 'fictitious' loans.- 2.3.2 Loan policy in the twentieth century.- 2.3.3 Post-World War I expansion.- 2.3.4 The pressure of the loan service.- 2.3.5 Assets and debt.- 2.4 The changing pattern of ordinary revenue.- 3 Double entries in the accounts of the financial years 1816-1866.- 3.1 Shortcomings in the pre-1867 statistics.- 3.2 Constitutional requirements.- 3.3 The first statements on Territorial finances.- 3.4 First complete accounts 1846-1866.- 3.5 Indications as to accounting rules.- 3.6 The corrections in Tables 2 and 3 up to 1866.- 4 Corrections for double entries 1900-1939.- A Accounting regulations in general.- 4.1 Double entries.- 4.2 The so-called 'net expenses'.- 4.3 The corrections applied for double entries.- B Changes in public accounting following the application of the 'Indische Bedrijvenwet'.- 4.4 The original rules.- 4.5 The commercial accounts.- 4.6 Changes in the budget following the application of the 'Indische Bedrijvenwet'.- 4.7 The corrections.- 5 Financial policy and the role of extraordinary expenditure.- 6 General remarks on the tables.- 6.1 Presentation of data and commentary on the individual tables.- 6.2 Explanation of symbols.- Tables and commentary on the figures.- 1 Public finance statistics 1867-1939, taken from the Civil Statements.- 2 Public finance, the entire service 1816-1845.- 3 Details of the public finance statistics 1846-1899, taken from the Civil Statements.- 4 Estimate of actual revenue and expenditure of Netherlands India 1900-1939.- 5 Finances of the Principalities and autonomous territories.- 6 Public loans of Netherlands India.- 7 Public Debt and Loan Service of the government of Netherlands India 1911-1940.- Graphs.- I Public Revenue (1817-1939).- II Public Expenditure (1817 1939).- III Public Revenue and Expenditure, totals (1817-1939).