The Hits Just Keep on Coming
tables. Despite our sometimes adversarial relationship. we need each other. Without the music, there is no format. To the many program directors and air personalities too numerous to mention who inspired me in my youth and still inspire me today with their great radio stations past and present, I am truly grateful. To the general managers who have graciously put their radio stations into my hands Kevin Mashek, Clancy Woods, Tex Meyer, Nancy Tulli, Bill Schoening, Jack Palvino, Ken Spitzer, Bob Morgan , Terry Owen, and the late Mickey Franko thank you for your faith in me. To the people who have worked with me and for me, I hope I have done right by you. I remember a young Kevin Weatherly running the board on Saturday nights in Phoenix, and an even younger Michelle Santosuosso joining KZZP from the nightclub where she was spinning records: More recently, J. J. Rice has headed to Syracuse for what will surely be the first in a long line of programming successes for him. I wish him well. In a similar way, I know I would not be here today if not for the great program directors who believed in me and generously taught me what they knew so that I, in turn, September 4, 1998 RAR 67