PEFP DTL 가속장치의 공진주파수 제어를 위한 펌프장치의 설계 및 성능에 관한 연구
The Resonance Control Cooling System (RCCS) prototype installed in KAERI site has been designed to control the resonant frequency of the normal conducting drift tube linac (DTL) for the Proton Engineering Frontier Project (PEFP). The RCCS water pumping skid is composed of two channels as a by-passing the cooling water and a plate heat exchanger. The required temperature can be achieved by mixing both channels in order to control its the resonant frequency at 350 ㎒. The temperature controlled water pumping skid operates in combination with the Low Level Radio Frequency (LLRF) system. We have discussed the design, modeling with each components, control scheme, fabrication and test results of the water pumping skid for resonant frequency control of the DTL cavity. In conclusion, the fabricated RCCS prototype through the optimization of modeling has corresponded with the design requirement and concept.