Kertas kerja ini membentangkan penggunaan kaedah ukur rujuk secara amali di sebuah syarikat memproses seramik. Sesebuah organisasi yang menggunakan kaedah ukur rujuk perlu melakukannya dengan betul dan tepat agar ia dapat mencapai hasil yang diharapkan. Kertas kerja ini membincangkan dan menumpukan teknik ukur rujuk luaran dari aspek pemprosesan, produktiviti dan kualiti produk. Sebuah syarikat pemprosesan seramik telah melaksanakannya dengan kajian kes dan pembangunan model yang melibatkan empat fasa utama. Ia diikuti dengan usaha–usaha peningkatan prestasi. Keputusan ukur rujuk juga dipaparkan dalam kertas kerja ini.
Kata kunci: Ukur rujuk; peningkatan prestasi berterusan; faktor kritikal kejayaan
This paper presents the practical application of benchmarking method in a ceramic processing company. In order to get the expected outcome, the organisation that would implement the benchmarking method should do it correctly and accurately. This paper discussed and concentrates on external benchmarking from the aspects of processing, productivity and product quality. This ceramic processing company has conducted the benchmarking effort, which comprises of four phases via a case study and development of a model. It was followed by several efforts to improve the performance. This paper also presents the results of the benchmarking project.
Keyword: Benchmarking; continuous performance improvement; critical success factor
Paul Leonard,et al.
Practical Benchmarking: The Complete Guide
Robert C. Camp.
A bible for benchmarking, by Xerox
Mohamed Zairi,et al.
Measuring Performance for Business Results
Robert C. Camp,et al.
Benchmarking: The Search for Industry Best Practices That Lead to Superior Performance
Mohamed Zairi,et al.
Benchmarking For Best Practice