Data transmission system of rotating electric field mill network using microcontroller and GSM module

Lightning is an environmental phenomena that cause many fatalities and property destructions in Malaysia since the country is located in the high isokeraunic area. To reduce the fatalities an alert system should be developed. The alert system can consist of several Rotating Electric Field Mill sensors which are installed in spread. Data from the sensors must be gathered in a data centre building for observation,  analysis, and triggering an alert signal. Therefore, the objective of this work is to develop a data transmission system by using a wireless method. The wireless data transmission system consists of a microcontroller, voltage divider, and GSM module. Hardware and software development is carried out to achieve the objective. Furthermore, to test the transmission system a function generator is connected to the analog digital converter input of the microcontroller. By varying the magnitude of the function generator output an observation on data transmission is carried out. It is found that the magnitude of receiving data which is displayed on the website is exactly the same with the sent data. In here in lab wireless data transmission system devices and a website to observe the transmitted data from Rotating Electric Field Mill sensors has been successfully developed.