Hyperboloidal approach for static spherically symmetric spacetimes: a didactical introduction and applications in black-hole physics

This work offers a didactical introduction to the calculations and geometrical properties of a static, spherically symmetric spacetime foliated by hyperboloidal time surfaces. We discuss the various degrees of freedom involved, namely the height function, responsible for introducing the hyperboloidal time coordinate, and a radial compactification function. A central outcome is the expression of the Trautman-Bondi mass in terms of the hyperboloidal metric functions. Moreover, we apply this formalism to a class of wave equations commonly used in black-hole perturbation theory. Additionally, we provide a comprehensive derivation of the hyperboloidal minimal gauge, introducing two alternative approaches within this conceptual framework: the in-out and out-in strategies. Specifically, we demonstrate that the height function in the in-out strategy follows from the well-known tortoise coordinate by changing the sign of the terms that become singular at future null infinity. Similarly, for the out-in strategy, a sign change also occurs in the tortoise coordinate's regular terms. We apply the methodology to the following spacetimes: Trumpet slices in Schwarzschild, Reisnner-Nordstr\"om-deSitter, Higher-dimensional black holes, and black hole with matter halo. From this heuristic study, we conjecture that the out-in strategy is best adapted for black hole geometries that account for environmental or effective quantum effects.

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