SiC Deep Ultraviolet Avalanche Photodetectors

Abstract : During the program, both 4x4 and 8x8 SiC APD arrays have been demonstrated with world-record single photon detection efficiency (SPDE) and dark count rate (DCR). Further advancements have been made with initial work exploring micro-lenses to enhance APD array performance, as well as the demonstration of APDs with 40% single photon detection efficiency (SPDE) with 1,000 Hz dark count rate (DCR) and 20% SPDE w/ <200Hz DCR. Off the shelf micro lenses were acquired and initial testing on SiC APDs tailored to their layout showed a nearly four-fold increase in photoresponse, but with a narrower field of view of about +/- 20 degrees. These are also best performance results as identified by GE in the literature to date for this technology. The best performing SiC APD arrays made by GE Global Research, will be integrated into specially designed ROICs from MIT-LL for a system-like demonstration. This is expected by the end of 2010.