5'-terminal cap structure in eucaryotic messenger ribonucleic acids

NqTRODUCTION ............................................................. 175 5'-TERMINAL CAP STRUCTURE IN MESSENGER RIBONUCLEIC ACID (mRNA) .............................................................. 176 Discovery ................................................................. 176 Isolation and Characterization of the Cap Structures ...... .................. 177 Viral mRNA's ............................................................ 177 (i) Phosphatase-resistant 5'-terminal phosphates in methylated mRNA's .......................................................... 177 (ii) Structure of the blocked 5' termini ................................ 177 (iii) 5'-5' Inverted linkage of the terminal nucleotides ...... ............ 178 Cellular mRNA's ........................................................... 178 Properties ofCap Structures .............. .................................. 178 Distribution of Capped mRNA's in Nature ........ .......................... 179 Viral mRNA's ............................................................. 179 Cellular mRNA's ........................................................ 182 MECHANISM OF THE CAPPING REACIION ................................ 183 ViralmRNA's ............................................................... 183 Reovirus ................................................................ 183 Vaccinia virus............................................................ 184 Cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus ........................................... 184 Vesicular stomatitis virus .............. .................................. 185 Influenza virus........................................................... 185 Cellular mRNA's ............................................................ 186 ENZYMES INVOLVED IN THE CAPPING REACTIONS ...... ................ 187 mRNA Guanylyltransferase and mRNA (Guanine-7-)Methyltransferase ..... 188 2'-O-Methyltransferase ...................................................... 188 Guanylyltransferases and Methyltransferases from Eucaryotic Cells ..... ... 189 Enzymes That Cleave the Cap Structure ........ ............................ 190 BIOLOGICAL ROLE OF THE CAP STRUCTURE ....... ...................... 190 Protein Synthesis........................................................... 190 mRNA Stability ............................................................. 194 mRNA Biosynthesis ........................................................ 194 CONCLUSIONS ............................................................... 196 LITERATURE CITED ........................................................ 196

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