This paper introduces a novel method for subpixel accuracy stabilization of unsteady digital films and video sequences. The proposed method offers a near-closed-form solution to the estimation of the global subpixel displacement between two frames, that causes the misregistration of them. The criterion function used is the mean-squared error over the displaced frames, in which image intensities at subpixel locations are evaluated using bi-linear interpolation. The proposed algorithm is both faster and more accurate than the search-based solutions found in the literature. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method to the spatio-temporal differentiation and surface fitting algorithms, as well. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm is designed so that it is insensitive to frame-to-frame intensity variations. It is also possible to estimate any affine motion between two frames by applying the proposed algorithm on three non-collinear points in the unsteady frame.
Petros Maragos,et al.
Affine models for image matching and motion detection
[Proceedings] ICASSP 91: 1991 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing.
C. D. Kuglin,et al.
The phase correlation image alignment method
Çiğdem Eroğlu.
Subpixel accuracy image registration with application to unsteadiness correction
Qi Tian,et al.
Algorithms for subpixel registration
Lisa M. Brown,et al.
A survey of image registration techniques