China's Quest for Self-Reliance in Oil: The Story of Fushun, Yumen, and Daqing

This title examines competing views of geopolitical influence on the source, continuity, and change in the development of Chinese oil production. This project looks at how Fushun and Yumen's equipment, infrastructure and trained manpower were contributive to the People's Republic of China's (PRC) efforts in discovering and exploiting Daqing. To show the forms of continuity in the quest for self-reliance, particular attention is given to the three decades between 1931, with the annexation of Manchuria and the buildup of Fushun's oil shale facilities that would be useful for the postwar oil industry in China.This title also analyzes important events in 1963, when Daqing achieved the ultimate goal of the Chinese oil industry: self-reliance. This periodization is crucial in studying the Chinese oil industry's transition through different regimes from Japanese-occupied Fushun/wartime Nationalist Yumen to the founding of the PRC oil industry, and the establishment of Daqing and oil self-reliance.