What does the design of effective CSCL require and how do we study its effects?

m What D0e5 the De519n 0f Effect1ve C5CL Re4u1re and H0w D0 We 5tudy 1t5 Effect5 • 6avr1e1 5a10rn0n Un1ver51ty 0f Ar120na H aav1n9 n0w 6een en9a9ed f0r 0ver f1ve year5 1 a r9 e • 5 c a 1 e t0 c011a60ratePr°Ject5thr0u9 h1n wh1chc0m-puter-enhanced act1v1t1e5 0f de519n and c0mmun1ca-t10n, 1 have c0me t0 three 506er1n9 c0nc1u510n5. Why 506er1n9 • 8ecau5e, c0ntrary t0 the enthu51a5t1c na-1vete 15tarted 0ut w1th, 1 (11ke many 0ther5) d15c0vered (a) that c0mputer5 d0 very 11tt1e 1n and 0f them5e1ve5, (6) that c011a60rat10n am0n9 5tudent5, part1cu1ar1y when 5upp0rted 6y c0mputer-re1ated act1v1t1e5,15 a far m0re c0mp1ex t0p1c than 1 1n1t1a11y th0u9ht; and (c) that the 5tudy 0f C0mputer 5upp0rted C011a60rat1ve Learn1n9 and the chan9e5 that 1t under90e5 cann0t 6e ea511y hand1ed w1th the re5earch (part1cu1ar1y exper1-menta1) t0015 we u5ua11y emp10y. 1n th15 paper 1 w15h t0 6r1ef1y d15cu55 the5e three p01nt5. C0mm0n kn0w1ed9e ha5 1t that what 0ne rea11y need5 f0r effect1ve C5CL 15 a 900d, re11a61e, u5er fr1end1y, and (1f p055161e) 5em1-1nte1119ent techn0109y. Wh11e n0t deny1n9 the 1mp0rtance 0f the5e techn01091-ca1 4ua11t1e5,1 w15h t0 ar9ue that there 15 much m0re t0 the de519n 0f c0mputer 5upp0rted c00perat1ve 1earn-1n9 than the de519n 0f the techn0109y 1t5e1f. 1n fact, 1 w0u1d 90 50 far a5 t0 c1a1m that, 91ven a rea50na61e m1n1mum 0f techn01091ca1 capa6111ty, the 5ucce55 0r fa11ure 0f c00perat1ve 1earn1n9 15 acc0unted f0r 6y ent1re1y d1fferent and far m0re c0mp1ex fact0r5. 7w0 k1nd5 0f de51red effect 70 exam1ne the5e fact0r5, we 1n-5t need t0 dea1 w1th the 4ue5t10n 0f what 15 meant 6y the c0n5truct effect and w1th the k1nd 0f effect we f1nd de51ra61e. Unt11 n0t t00 10n9 a90, the effect5 0f an educat10na1 1nterven-t10n, 0f a p1ece 0f techn0109Y t0 6e u5ed 1n the c1a55-r00m, 0r 0f a new pr0cedure, meant 0ne th1n9: the 4ua11ty 0f the 1earn1n9 that re5u1ted fr0m u51n9 the 1nn0vat10n 0r 6e1n9 exp05ed t01t. H0wever, 91ven n0w the p05516111ty 0f 1nte11ectua1 partner5h1p5 w1th 60th peer5 and advanced 1nf0rmat10n techn0109y, we need t0 d15t1n9u15h 6etween tw0 k1nd5 0f effect5:effect5 w1th a t001 and/0r c011a60rat1n9 peer5, and effect5 0f the5e. Effect5 w1th are the chan9e5 that take p1ace wh11e 0ne 15 en9a9ed 1n 1nte11ectua1 partner5h1p w1th peer5 0r w1th a c0mputer t001, a5, f0r examp1e, 15 the ca5e w1th the chan9ed 4ua11ty 0f pr061em 501v1n9 that take5 p1ace when 1nd1v1dua15 w0rk t09ether 1n a team. 0n the 0ther hand, effect5 0f are …

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