The assay of adrenal cortical material by means of a glycogen test in the adrenalectomized mouse.

THIS REPORT deals with an analysis of a method for assay of adrenal cortical material based on the deposition of glycogen in the liver of the fasting adrenalectomized mouse. The method was kindly communicated to us by Dr. K. Dobriner of the Memorial Hospital and was carried out almost exactly as originally described. Reinecke and Kendall (1942) reported the use of glycogen deposition in the liver of the adrenalectomized rat as a method for the assay of adrenal cortical material. Although this method has many real advantages, as shown by these workers and later by Olson et al. (1944, 1944a), there still remained a need for a reproducible method sensitive enough for the assay of urinary cortin excretion under various conditions of health and disease. The method to be described and originally suggested by the Memorial Hospital group appears to satisfy such needs within certain limitations as shall be described in this communication.