An Overview of Issues and Research in Language Learning in a Study Abroad Setting.

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[13]  Gail Guntermann,et al.  An Analysis of Interlanguage Development Over Time: Part II "ser" and "estar" , 1992 .

[14]  Ralph B. Ginsberg Language Gains During Study Abroad: An Analysis of the ACTR Data. National Foreign Language Center Working Papers. , 1992 .

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[20]  Marriott Helen Changing trends in Australia‐Japan and Japan‐Australia student exchanges and study abroad programs , 1994 .

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[22]  Helen E. Marriott,et al.  Secondary exchanges with Japan: Exploring students’ experiences and gains , 1995 .

[23]  Thom Huebner The Effects of Overseas Language Programs: Report on a Case Study of an Intensive Japanese Course , 1995 .

[24]  Barbara F. Freed Second language acquisition in a study abroad context , 1995 .

[25]  P. Meara,et al.  How periods abroad affect vocabulary growth in a foreign language. , 1995 .

[26]  Helen E. Marriott The Acquisition of Politeness Patterns by Exchange Students in Japan , 1995 .

[27]  Merrill Swain,et al.  A Canadian Interprovincial Exchange: Evaluating the Linguistic Impact of a Three-Month Stay in Quebec , 1995 .

[28]  Richard D. Brecht,et al.  On the Value of Formal Instruction in Study Abroad: Student Reactions in Context , 1995 .

[29]  Barbara F. Freed What makes us think that students who study abroad become fluent , 1995 .

[30]  The Peace Corps Experience: Language Learning in Training and in the Field , 1995 .

[31]  Vera Regan,et al.  The Acquisition of Sociolinguistic Native Speech Norms: Effects of a Year Abroad on Second Language Learners of French , 1995 .

[32]  P. Desruisseaux The Number of Americans Studying Abroad Increases by 5.7 , 1997 .

[33]  S. Wilkinson,et al.  Study Abroad from the Participants' Perspective: A Challenge to Common Beliefs , 1998 .

[34]  V. Regan Sociolinguistics and Language Learning in a Study Abroad Context , 1998 .

[35]  V. Pellegrino Student Perspectives on Language Learning in a Study Abroad Context. , 1998 .

[36]  Thom Huebner,et al.  Methodological Considerations in Data Collection for Language Learning in a Study Abroad Context. , 1998 .